The Sorp Consultation Process
Charities SORP
Application guidance for charity accounting
The SORP consultation process
The Exposure Draft of the new Charities SORP sought comments and views from both preparers and users of charity accounts and reports. Respondents included auditors, charity finance staff, independent examiners, funders, treasurers, trustees and others with an interest in charity reporting.
Consideration of the responses to the consultation
The charities SORP Committee considered the analysis and responses to the SORP consultation at its meetings in January and February 2014. To view the minutes please see the archive. A summary of the changes made as a result of the consultation was provided in a report to the FRC's advisory Committee for Accounting for Public-benefit Entities. The responses to the questions are analysed in more detail in Paper 2.1 prepared for the charities SORP Committee.

Paper 2.1 Responses to consultation questions
Download the responses to consultation questions
Download PDF (426 Kb)
About the Exposure Draft of the SORP
The Exposure Draft of the SORP was designed in a modular format to help preparers of charity accounts access the information that applies to their charity’s circumstances and a navigation tool was developed.
The aim of the navigation tool was to identify those parts of the SORP, known as SORP modules, which apply to your charity’s particular circumstances.