SORP Consultations
Update Bulletin 2 - Consultation launched 20 February 2018
One of the principal roles of the SORP is to provide charity specific guidance to applying UK-Irish accounting standards when preparing a charity’s accounts. When changes are made to an accounting standard then these need to be reflected in the SORP.
The Financial Reporting Council has updated the FRS 102 accounting standard:
The principal effective date for these amendments is accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019, with early application permitted provided all amendments are applied at the same time. The only exceptions to this are the amendments relating to directors’ loans and the tax effects of gift aid payments, for which early application is permitted separately. Limited transitional provisions are also available. Changes are to be made by way of a second Update Bulletin to amend the Charities SORP (FRS 102).
The consultation on the draft Bulletin closes on 4 April 2018. The draft Bulletin only deals with changes resulting from the updating FRS 102. Although these changes are not up for review, feedback on how these are being applied in the SORP will be very helpful in finishing the writing of the Bulletin.
The CIPFA webpage where all the responses to this consultation will be posted is:
If you do not wish to have your consultation published please advise on submission. Also as CIPFA are not redacting any personal information please omit any personal details that you do not wish to be published, for example home address, contact details or email address.
Consultation Events are being held in:
England and Wales -
ICAEW event, Chartered Accountants Hall, Moorgate, London - 2 March 2018. To book your place, follow the booking link for further details:
Attendance is free but places are limited.
Charity Finance Group, London - 7 March 2018 between 5:30pm and 7:30pm at BDO’s offices: 55 Baker Street. A booking must be made through with the event free and open to all charities.