conference-call-meeting-250821 - SORP
Charities SORP
Application guidance for charity accounting
Meeting of the Charities SORP-making body
Conference call - 25 August 2021
Joint Chairs: Laura Anderson, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR)
Nigel Davies, Charity Commission England and Wales (CCEW)
In attendance as observer(s):
Jelena Griscenko, Charities Regulator (CR)
Stephen Maloney, Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
Damian Sands, Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (CCNI)
Jane O’Doherty, Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
Purpose of the meeting:
The meeting was convened to invite feedback on the FRC’s perspective on the SORP development process to date and to reflect on the initial views shared by the convenors and Committee on the process. In light of this initial feedback to review and confirm decisions made in respect of: scheduling meetings, planned agenda, and chairing arrangements. Initial consideration was also given to the planned SORP development process feedback gathering exercise with regard to its timing and format.
Agreed actions from the meeting:
- Agreed the scheduling of meetings and topics is retained as planned with the responsibility of the SORP-making body to initiate, review or comment on papers and the chairing of meetings to the conclusion of the combined ‘reflection and problem solving’ stage in late January 2022 assigned amongst the joint chairs (OSCR)
- Noted FRC feedback is very supportive and positive about the level of engagement achieved, however due care needs to be taken to evaluate the merits of minority views when collating the strand feedback (Joint Chairs)
- CCNI have advised that Damian is moving on and so the replacement joint chair is to be notified and then advised to FRC (CCEW)
- SORP tracker update reviewed and its publication agreed (CCEW)
- A collaboration of the secretariats to the engagement strands will develop initial proposals for the planned feedback exercise (CCEW)