conference-call-meeting-290421 - SORP
Charities SORP
Application guidance for charity accounting
Meeting of the Charities SORP-making body
Conference call - 29 April 2021
Joint Chairs: Laura Anderson, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) Nigel Davies, Charity Commission England and Wales (CCEW)
In attendance as observer(s):
Jelena Griscenko, Charities Regulator (CR) Jane O’Doherty, Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
Damian Sands, Charity Commission for Northern Ireland (CCNI)
Purpose of the meeting:
The meeting was convened to discuss how best to schedule the SORP development process to the end of the problem solving stage, agree the first submission to the FRC, the convening of SORP Committee working parties and the preparation of materials on the 15 topics to assist the combined reflection and problem solving stages.
Agreed actions from the meeting:
- Agreed the scheduling of topics for the existing programme of Committee meetings with an additional meeting in January 2022 now required to conclude the combined reflection and problem solving stages
- Agreed to include a research update item in the autumn as an opportunity to bring in emerging findings relevant to the process
- Agreed tentative division of topic briefings between the SORP-making body and CIPFA, subject to confirmation with CIPFA
- Agreed the approach to convening working groups requested by the SORP Committee to consider 9 of the 15 topics
- Agreed the division of the 6 topic briefings to be handled at Committee between the Joint Chairs
- Agreed initial submission to the FRC in light of the discussion at the April SORP Committee (CCEW)
- Agreed to update the SORP engagement partners and SORP Committee once the schedule of work is discussed with CIPFA on 6 May (CCEW)
- Paper setting out the timeline and scheduling to be prepared (OSCR)